Hey Fam!
were so many things that happened last week. I'll just give ya the
highlights. And can I say, what an amazing way to end a full-time
mission. First of all Wayne was baptized!!!!! It was so cool and the
Spirit was so strong. The Elders in our district did the baptism. It
was small baptism, but it was so good for Wayne. And everyone that came
was so helpful in helping him with the baptism. And his confirmation
was so cool too!!! It was such a blessing for me and Sister Carlson to
be able to teach him. He is so much more talkative now and is more
positive about life. This brother may be 71, but he truly has a strong
spirit inside of him. And he is a son of God. Then that night we went
to the General Womens' Conference at the conference center! It was so
good. And I was able to see some of my old companions and other sisters
in the mission. The Spirit was so strong at the meeting. I loved it.
I loved how it just focused on us remembering who our Father is. And
that we are daughters in His kingdom. I love it. Then Sunday, I had a
total shock by having family in Utah come to one of my wards for
sacrament meeting. That was so weird. But fun too! Everyone has grown
up so much! Oh, and in sacrament meeting Sister Carlson and another
sister in the ward played the viola to "A Child's Prayer" and I
accompanied them. It sounded so good! It was fun to do that! Then
today we went to the SLC temple! So needed! I love being there and
feeling the peace and the Spirit that is there. Tonight will be
departing testimony meeting and then sleepover at the Mission Home, and
then tomorrow morning going to the airport. It's so weird to think that
18 months of serving the Lord full-time is ending. I can't believe
it's here already. I guess time flies when you love what you are doing.
I am just so grateful to my Father in Heaven for giving me this
opportunity to serve Him. Through this amazing ride of my journey in
life, I have learned so much. I have come to know my Heavenly Father.
I know that I am His daughter. That He loves me. That He is always
there for me. That He has been here with me through every moment of my
life and especially since I've been on my mission. I have come to know
Jesus Christ as my older brother. He is my friend. He is there when I
feel so alone. I have seen how Jesus Christ is "the light". He has
been my light, when I have felt so lost and alone. But He is there. I
know that through the blood of our Savior that we can be cleansed from
sin. Repentance is an amazing thing! It invites us to change! And to
change our heart. I love that. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father
gives us second chances. That He loves us no matter what!!!!
video is when Jesus Christ invites His future apostles to come follow
Him and He will make them fishers of men. We must first come unto
Christ in our own life. Become converted to the Lord. And then we will
be able to help others along the way to be able to know who Christ is
as well. I have been so blessed, not only to be able to teach people
about Christ and invited them to follow Him. But I have been blessed
with others during my mission, that have invited me to come unto Christ.
And have helped me to develop a deeper relationship with Him. This
has been an amazing ride. And the journey isn't over. I love my Lord,
my Savior and King.
Sister Marlow